1. Yu CH, … , Farinella DM, Leikvoll A, Pavan R, … Smith GB, Kara P … Smith SL (2023) The Cousa objective: a long-working distance air objective for multiphoton imaging in vivo. Nature Methods

  2. Leikvoll A and Kara P (2023) High fidelity sensory-evoked responses in neocortex after intravenous injection of genetically encoded calcium sensors. Frontiers in Neuroscience.

  3. Kumar BS, O’Herron PJ, Kara P, Chakravarthy VS (2023) The development of bi-directionally coupled self-organizing neurovascular networks captures orientation-selective neural and hemodynamic cortical responses. European Journal of Neuroscience. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15993

  4. O’Herron PJ, Hartmann DA, Xie K, Kara P, Shih AY (2022) 3D optogenetic control of arteriole diameter in vivo. eLife 11:e72802

  5. Cho S, Roy A, Liu CJ, Idiyatullin D, Zhu W, Zhang Y, Zhu XH, O'Herron P, Leikvoll A, Chen W, Kara P, Uğurbil K (2022) Cortical layer-specific differences in stimulus selectivity revealed with high-field fMRI and single-vessel resolution optical imaging of the primary visual cortex. Neuroimage 251, 118978

  6. Farinella DM, Roy A, Liu CJ, Kara P (2021) Improving laser standards for three-photon microscopy. Neurophotonics 8, 015009

  7. Liu CJ, Roy A, Simons AA, Farinella DM, Kara P (2020) Three-photon imaging of synthetic dyes in deep layers of the neocortex. Scientific Reports 10, 16351

  8. O’Herron P, Levy M, Woodward JJ, Kara P (2020) An unexpected dependence of cortical depth in shaping neural responsiveness and selectivity in mouse visual cortex. eNeuro 7 ENEURO.0497-19.2020

  9. O'Herron P, Summers PM, Shih AY, Kara P, Woodward JJ (2020) In Vivo Two-Photon Imaging of Neuronal and Brain Vascular Responses in Mice Chronically Exposed to Ethanol. Alcohol 85, 41-47

  10. O’Herron P, Chhatbar PY, Levy M, Shen Z, Schramm AE, Lu Z, Kara P (2016) Neural correlates of single vessel hemodynamic responses in vivo.  Nature 534,378-382.

  11. Levy M, Lu Z, Dion G, Kara P (2014). The shape of dendritic arbors in different functional domains of the cortical orientation map.  Journal of Neuroscience 34, 3231-3236.

  12. Chhatbar PY and Kara P (2013) Improved blood velocity measurements with a hybrid image filtering and iterative Radon transform algorithm. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7, 106

  13. Levy M, Schramm AE, Kara P (2012) Strategies for mapping synaptic inputs on dendrites in vivo by combining two-photon microscopy, sharp intracellular recording, and pharmacology. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 6,101.

  14. O’Herron P, Shen Z, Lu, Z, & Kara P (2012) Targeted labeling of neurons in a specific functional micro-domain of the neocortex by combining intrinsic signal and two-photon imaging. Journal of Visualized Experiments 70, e50025.

  15. Shen, Z, Lu Z, Chhatbar PY, O’Herron and Kara P (2012). An artery-specific fluorescent dye for studying neurovascular coupling in vivo. Nature Methods 9, 273-276.

  16.  Kara P and Boyd JD (2009). A micro-architecture for binocular disparity and ocular dominance in visual cortex. Nature 442, 925-928.

  17. Ohki K, Chung S, Kara P, Hubener M, Bonhoeffer T, Reid RC (2006). Highly ordered arrangement of single neurons in orientation pinwheels. Nature 442, 925-928.

  18. Ohki K, Chung S, Ch'ng, YH, Kara P, and Reid RC (2005). Micro-architecture of visual cortex: functional maps with single-cell precision. Nature 433, 597-603.

  19. Kara P and Reid RC. (2003). The efficacy of retinal spikes in driving cortical responses. J Neurosci. 23, 8547-8557.

  20.  Kanold PO, Kara P, Reid RC, and Shatz, CJ. (2003). The subplate is required for functional organization of visual cortical columns. Science 301, 521-525.

  21. Kara, P, Pezaris JS, Yurgenson S, and Reid, RC. (2002). The spatial receptive field of thalamic inputs to single cortical simple cells revealed by the interaction of visual and electrical stimulation.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 99, 16261-16266.

  22.  Kara P, Reinagel P, and Reid RC. (2000). Low response variability in simultaneously recorded retinal, thalamic, and cortical neurons. Neuron 27, 635-646.